This week I want to address a common question and even critique that I often hear about House-Call Dentistry. Colleagues and fellow Docs often quip…”Don’t you feel like you are wasting your time driving to patient's homes every day”?
Personally speaking, I absolutely love my drive time as a House-Call Dentist, and I want to share with you why it's far from a waste! Despite a couple of recent fender benders, driving in Buffalo is generally smooth, and traffic is rarely heavy or stressful. Plus, I factor my drive time into my fees, so I'm not missing out on potential earrings during my drives. When I'm on the road, I get to enjoy the beautiful natural scenes and happenings around town. From changing seasons to snowy hills and summer sunsets I just love taking in the beauty of Western New York and all it has to offer.
In addition, let's not forget about the audio aspect of my drives! Listening to podcasts and music while driving is a game-changer. Podcasts are a great opportunity to learn about a whole host of topics and also get in some good old-fashioned entertainment. While we're on the topic of podcasts I want to recommend my favorite true crime pod, Dark Down East. In addition to enjoying podcasts, my drives also give me the chance to relive my glory days as the lead singer of a Dentists-only band called Central Groove. There’s nothing like rocking out to Taylor Swift in your car to infuse the day with a little energy and joy.
However, as much as I love taking in the scenery and enjoying podcasts and music, the best part of my drive time is being able to catch up with friends and family over the phone during the day. It's something that's not possible in a traditional office setting. My drive time makes me feel free and connected, and it's definitely not a waste of time in my book!
These are just a few of the many reasons that I believe that the time driving to treat your patients is time well spent. I just wanted to share these thoughts as it’s just one more perk of being a House-Call Dentist. If you're interested in exploring the House Call Dentist lifestyle, consider joining the waiting list for Dental House Call Practice Academy. It's an amazing opportunity to learn how to build your dental house-call practice step by step. Thanks for considering a career as a House-Call Dentist – I truly appreciate you!
Visit me at: ResiDENTAL Movement Website
Visit: AccommoDental
Visit: Home Smile Care Foundation
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Produced by: Social Chameleon